In Memory of





Alzheimer Society of Brant
Mike and Annelie Hedden
During this difficult time we would like to extend our most heartfelt sympathies.
Alzheimer Society of Brant
Dean, Joan and Family
Our deepest condolences from our family to yours at this sad and difficult time.
Alzheimer Society of Brant
Andy Coutts and family
Very sorry to hear about your loss. I grew up knowing John as Reid's dad. My earliest memories are of running between our houses on Brant Rd. I always felt welcome. Thank you for that. Our thoughts are with you.
Camp Trillium
Brenda, David and family
During this difficult time we would like to extend our sympathies. Please call if you need anything. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Alzheimer Society of Brant
Dave and Lynne
love, Dave and Lynne and family
Camp Trillium
Jennifer Drinkwater & Derek Manning
“Whenever we give our hearts in love, the burden of our vulnerability grows. We risk being rebuffed or embarrassed or inadequate. Beyond these things, we risk the enormous pain of loss. When those we love die, a part of us dies with them. When those we love are sick, in body or spirit, we too feel the pain. All of this is worth it. Especially the pain. If we insulate our hearts from suffering, we shall only subdue the very thing that makes life worth living. We cannot protect ourselves from loss. We can only protect ourselves from the death of love, we are left only with the aching hollow of regret, that haunting emptiness where love might have been.” ― Forrest Church