In Memory of





Condolence From: Gayle Price
Condolence: Dear Ray, Kristeen, Tim, Tracey and families Our deepest sympathy in the loss of Pauline, may you know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of others. Gayle & Bill Price
Thursday May 14, 2009
Condolence From: Roseanne and Ian Murchie
Condolence: Dear Kristeen, Tim, Brieanna and Brayden We were very sorry to hear about the passing of your Mother. You are in our thoughts and our prayers. Ian, Roseanne and the boys
Tuesday May 12, 2009
Condolence From: David & Linda Lee
Condolence: Dear Ray, Kristeen, Tracey & their family: I was very sorry to read of Pauline's passing. I have great memories of when we worked together at Tarrison and Hunter. I was most appreciative of how she included me into your family. She will be missed. Thinking of you. Linda
Tuesday May 12, 2009
Condolence From: Debbie Smith
Condolence: Dear Tracey and Family. I am holding you in my heart and thoughts. Love Debbie
Tuesday May 12, 2009
Condolence From: Sandra Biggar
Condolence: Hello Kristeen, Tim, Brieanna & Brayden, I am sorry to hear about the loss of Pauline. I know that you will miss her. I am thinking about you at this time and I believe that in time you find the comfort of the good memories. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Sandra
Tuesday May 12, 2009
Condolence From: Dennis, Linda, Craig Baker
Condolence: Dear Ray and family: We were very sorry to hear of Pauline's passing. She was a wonderful lady, and her 'bakewell tarts' especially warm our memories. We were privileged to have known her! Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Peter and Mary
Condolence: Dear Ray, Kristeen, Tracey and families, We were all so sad when we heard that aunty Pauline had passed away. You have all been in our thoughts and we know how very hard it is at this time. We loved her so much. She was a very special person. We are going to miss her dreadfully as we seemed so close despite being so many miles away. She set so many good examples for us to follow and we so looked forward to being with her; either here in England or in Canada. But we have some lovely memories to hold on to and we shall always hold her in our hearts. Peter, Mary, Charlotte and Elizabeth.
Monday November 30, -0001